Minutes, April 26, 2022 Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting

Meeting via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Thanks Dennis!)

Meeting called to order by Vice-President Chris Galbreath (KG4UQL) at 1935 hours EDT.

Attendees: 15 members:

Andy Rose (KI6SEP), Bill Waldschmidt (W9WA), Chris Galbreath (KG4UQL), Chris McCollough (KI4WKM), David Jewett (KN4ZOA), David Sexton (AE4YM), Dennis Weiskircher (K3KZU), Doug Collins (KA4SWT), Gene Klaus (KO4IVI), Harold Miller (AF6MB), Ken Douglas (KY4KD), Larry Roberts (WE4LR), Mike May (KF4FMQ), Peter Rock (KJ4ND), Rick Flynn (KO4UHE).

Previous meeting was 22 March 2022. Motion to accept Minutes of that meeting as published (via email) by David Sexton (AE4YM), 2nd by Ken Douglas (KY4KD). Passed by acclimation.

Treasurer’s Report:

$ Starting balance

-$100.66 ARRL Equipment Insurance

$ Ending balance.

Past Activities Report

Previous Club Activity: CQ WW WPX Contest SSB was conducted on Saturday, 26 March 2022 from 1300 to 1700 hours EDT via ZOOM.

Previous TALARC D-STAR: Monday, 4 April 2022. See Ken’s attached report.

Previous Club Activity: Multiple State QSO Parties on Saturday, 9 April 2022 from 1300 to 1700 hours EDT via ZOOM.

Previous monthly coffee was via Zoom at 0900 hours EDT, Friday, 1 April 2022.

Previous weekly WRARC Club OTA Nets were conducted each Wednesday evening at 2000 hours EDT on 30 March, 6 April, 13 April, & 20 April 2022.

Previous VEC Testing was conducted Saturday, 23 Apr 2022 at the American Legion Post 46.

Old Business

ARRL Club Affiliation discussion. Once a local radio club has 50% of their members who are also members of ARRL then they are considered an ARRL Affiliated Club from that date onward and that designation lasts for the entire lifetime of the club. However, if a local club’s current ARRL membership ever falls below 50%, then the local club is still considered ‘Affiliated’ but is then considered to be a ‘non-active’ affiliated club. Currently, Ken (KY4KD) is determining WRARC member’s ARRL status.

Club insurance is due this month for $100.66.

VE Testing was conducted on Saturday, 23 May 2022 at the American Legion Post 46. There was 1 Technician and 2 Generals testing for advancement and 1 no-show. All tested passed.

New Business

The next TALARC D-STAR NET is Scheduled for Monday, 2 May 2022 at 2000 hours EDT. Check-ins over the air on D-Star reflector 56C or via Echo Link. Early check-ins start 45 minutes before the Net, i.e. from 1915 EDT on. Remember you can check in via EchoLink from your computer or smartphone to either node KY4RW-L or use EchoLink’s search mode on “Danville”. Club members only: Ken will check you in if you send a text to his cell phone during the net.

Kentucky QSO Party discussion. The consensus opinion was that the club “was in it to win it” and would participate as a club (W4CDA) in an in person gathering at the American Legion Post 46. Previously, the club has won this event five years in a row. Peter will coordinate the activity and email the details to everyone. Ken has already reserved the building for this event. (FYI: KY QSO Party is 1200Z, 4 Jun to 0100Z, 5 Jun 2022.)

Field Day discussion. Again, the consensus opinion was that the club would participate just to have fun as a group event at the American Legion Post 46. Again, Peter will coordinate the activity and email the details to everyone. Ken has already reserved the building for this event and will also reserve the pavilion. (FYI: ARRL Field Day is 1800Z, 25 Jun to 2059Z, 26 Jun 2022 (4th weekend in June).

New Computer discussion. One of the club station computers is still running Windows XP, which can’t be upgraded, and needs to be replaced. The other is running Windows 10. Current computer prices are reasonable enough to make this replacement as well as perhaps procuring four 27″ monitors. Equipment needs will be evaluated, possibly this coming Saturday, and a list developed for decision / procurement authorization at the next club meeting.

Hybrid Club Meeting for May. A proposal was made to make every effort to conduct a hybrid club meeting for May that would include in person club members in the American Legion 46 hall and those club members who choose to participate on Zoom. Campbellsville American Legion post has provided information on how they are conducting their hybrid meetings and our club has already made arrangements for the use of some equipment to conduct our own hybrid meeting. An effort will be made this Saturday to get to the hall and conduct a test run of a hybrid meeting using currently available equipment.

Future Activities:

Next TALARC D-STAR NET is on Monday, 2 May 2022 (1st Monday of month) at 2000 hours EDT on Reflector 056C.

Next WRARC club Coffee Social is on Friday, 6 May 2022 (1st Friday of month) at 0900 hours EDT via ZOOM.

Next Club Activity is Saturday, 7 May 2022, 1300 to 1700 EDT via ZOOM: 7th CALL AREA QSO PARTY. Mode: CW, Phone, Digital (no FT8). Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m. This party includes 8 states and should be a very active one. Rules at http://7qp.org. There are also 2 other state QSO parties (IN & DE) going on the same day.

Next WRARC monthly club meeting is on Tuesday, 24 May 2022 (4th Tuesday of month) at 1930 hours EDT via ZOOM.

KY QSO Party is 0800 EDT, 4 Jun to 2100 EDT, 5 Jun 2022 at American Legion Post 46.

ARRL Field Day is 1400 EDT, 25 Jun to 1659 EDT, 26 Jun 2022 (4th weekend in June) at American Legion Post 46.

Next VEC Testing: On Saturday, 23 July 2022 starting at 1000 hours EDT at the American Legion building, 45 Spears Lane, Danville, KY. See http://www.wrarc.com/ve-testing/ for details. Pre-registration is required.

Next weekly WRARC OTA club net is each Wednesday evening at 2000 hours EDT.

Adjournment Motion to Adjourn by Dennis Weiskircher (K3KZU), 2nd by Peter Rock (KJ4ND); Passed by acclimation. Adjourned at 2122 hours EDT.

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Chris Galbreath (KG4UQL)

After-meeting Presentation: none