September 28, 2021 Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club Monthly
Meeting Minutes.
Meeting via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Thanks Dennis!)
Meeting called to order by President Mike May at 1933.
Attendees: 10 members;
• Ken Douglass (KY4KD), Peter Rock (KJ4ND), Andy Rose (KI6SEP), Dennis Weiskircher (K3KZU),
Mike May(KF4FMQ), Doug Collins (KA4SWT), Chris Galbreath (KG4UQL), Janie Taylor (KI6SER),
William Waldschmidt (W9WA), Larry Roberts (WE4LR)
Previous meeting was August 24, 2021. Motion to accept Minutes of that meeting as published (via
email) by Dennis, 2nd by Peter. Passed by acclimation.

Treasurer’s Report:

• $30.00 Donation from Harold
• ($11.60) Book of stamps

Past Activities Report:
• TALARC D-STAR: Monday, September 6. There were 37 total check-ins including Net Control
from 12 states and 1 Canadian Provence. (Nice turnout especially considering this was Labor Day!) The Legion announcements were read by Gene KO4IVI from his home. The “Veterans After Net” was conducted by Gene KO4IVI as well. (see Appendix for details)

• Monthly coffee via Zoom: Friday, September 3, 9 A.M.
• Coordinated FT8 activity via Zoom on September 14 – get on the air, contact stations and
discuss FT8 and maybe learn better techniques from each other.

Old Business:
• Club dues for 2022 are being accepted.
o Full Legion members are $30 and can be paid online with a credit card
and click on “Renew”.
o Sons of the American Legion are $20 and can be paid by check.
o Legion Associate Members are $30 and can be paid by check.
All checks should be made out to “The American Legion Post 46” and mailed to Ken:
Ken Douglass
108Chandler Dr.
Danville, KY 40422

New Business
• Future Activities:
o Monthly Coffee via Zoom Friday, October 1, 9 AM.
o TALARC D-STAR: Monday, October 4 at 2000. Check-ins over the air on DStar reflector
56C or via Echo Link. Early check-ins start 45 minutes before the Net, i.e. from 1915 on.
Remember you can check in via EchoLink from your computer or smartphone to either
node KY4RW-L or use EchoLink’s search mode on “Danville”.
o Possible activity for October 9th, 1300 – 1700. Arizona and Pennsylvania are each having
QSO parties. Zoom link will be sent out.
• Tony, Post Commander, has decided to cancel the Post’s October monthly meeting due to high incident rate of COVID. November and beyond are TBD.
• Next Monthly meeting: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 1930, open forum at 1900.

Motion to Adjourn by Dennis, 2nd by Chris; Passed by acclimation. Adjourned at 1955.
Minutes respectfully submitted
Andy Rose KI6SEP
WRARC Secretary

After-meeting Presentation
An after meeting presentation on building a 2m tape measure Yagi antenna was given by Mike. It is a good antenna for foxhunting and emergency/portable use and easy to make.