Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club (WRARC)

Monthly Meeting Minutes for 28 MAY 2024 – FINAL RECORD COPY

Hybrid meeting via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Thanks Dennis!)
Meeting called to order by President Mike May (KF4FMQ) at 1930 hours EDT.
Attendees: 11attending members of 39total: (A quorum was present.)
Bill McAdams (KD9JNF), Chris Galbreath (KG4UQL), Dennis Weiskircher (K3KZU), Doug Collins
(KA4SWT), Harold Miller (AF6MB), John Wulf (K4FT), Ken Douglass (KY4KD), Mike May
(KF4FMQ), Peter Rock (KJ4ND), Ray Whitehouse (KY4RW), Rick Flynn (KO4UHE).
Previous monthly meeting was 23 APR 2024. Motion to accept Minutes of meeting as published (via
email) by Harold (AF6MB), 2nd by Peter (KJ4ND). Passed by acclamation.

Treasurer’s Report:
$ Starting balance

$ Ending balance.

Past Activities Report:

o Previous Weekly WRARC OTA club net was conducted each Wednesday evening at
2000L on the club’s 2m Repeater.
o Previous WRARC hybrid monthly club meeting was on Tuesday, 23 APR 2024 (4th
Tuesday of month).
o Previous Club Activity was the FL QSO Party & 10-10 Contest was held on 27 APR 2024 at
1300L hours at the Post 46 AMLEG Bldg.
o Previous VEC Testing was: Saturday, 27 APR 2024 at The American Legion Post 46
building, 45 Spears Lane, Danville, KY.
o Previous WRARC Coffee Social was on Friday, 3 MAY 2024 (1st Friday of month) at 0900L
via ZOOM.
o Previous AMLEG Post 46 D-STAR NET (1st Monday of month) was conducted on 6 MAY
2024 (1st Monday of month) at 2000L hours.
o Previous monthly general meeting of The American Legion Boyle Post 46 was 1900L
hours on Tuesday, 7 MAY 2024 (1st Tuesday of month).
o Previous Club Activity was a 2m FOX HUNT was held on 18 May 2024 at 1300L hours at
the Post 46 AMLEG Bldg.

Old Business:

o 4 Oct 2024 is Bourbon Chase. Friday afternoon until midnight.
o MOA revision between WRARC & Post 46.
o WRARC By-Laws update.
o 1 Jun 2024 KY QSO Party.
o 22 Jun 2024 ARRL Field Day.

New Business:

o KY QSO Party, 1 Jun 2024, 1300L to 1700L. {Peter, for discussion}
o WRARC activity for ARRL Field Day, 22 Jun 2024, Start OTA 1400L. {Peter, for discussion}
o 4 Oct 2024 is Bourbon Chase. Friday afternoon until midnight.
o WRARC By-Laws update; June club meeting for written notification & July club meeting
for vote.

Future Activities:

o Next Club Activity: see New Business discussions on KY QSO Party on 1 Jun, 1300L to
1700L and WRARC activity for ARRL Field Day on 22 Jun (OTA 1400L to be held at the
Post 46 AMLEG Bldg.
o Next AMLEG Post 46 D-STAR NET (1st Monday of month) is 2000L on 3 JUN 2024 on
REF56C via our local D-STAR repeater KM4OON, +5 MHz offset, 444.2375 MHz & no PL
o Next monthly general meeting of The American Legion Boyle Post 46 will be at 1900L
hours on Tuesday, 4 JUN 2024 (1st Tuesday of the month).
o Next weekly WRARC OTA club net is each Wednesday evening at 2000L on the club’s 2m
Repeater: 145.310 MHz with -600 kHz offset and Split PL Code 100 Hz (i.e. 100 Hz on
both Tx CTCSS & Rx CTCSS).
o Next WRARC Coffee Social is on Friday, 7 JUN 2024 (1st Friday of month) at 0900L via
ZOOM & Red Rooster.
o Next WRARC hybrid monthly club meeting will on Tuesday, 25 JUN 2024 (4th Tuesday of
month) at 1900L and business session starting at 1930L at The American Legion Post 46
building, 45 Spears Lane, Danville and via ZOOM.
o Next VEC Testing: Saturday, 27 JUL 2024 starting at 1000L at The American Legion Post
46 building, 45 Spears Lane, Danville, KY. See http://www.wrarc.com/ve-testing/ for
details. Pre-registration is requested but not required.

Adjournment. Motion to Adjourn by Chris (KG4UQL), 2nd by Dennis (K3KZU); Passed by acclamation.
Adjourned at 2010 hours EDT.

Minutes respectfully submitted,
Mike May (KF4FMQ)

After-meeting Presentation:

An After Meeting video presentation was conducted on the operation of the ICOM 7300: ICOM IC7300
A to Z – Part 20, YouTube video by Ham Radio A2Z (WA2IVD).