Minutes of February 23, 2021 Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club
Meeting via Dennis’ Zoom account. (Again, thanks Dennis!)
Meeting called to order by President Mike May at 1930.
Attendees: 12 members;
 Members: Harold Miller (AF6MB), Ken Douglass (KY4KD), Larry Roberts (KE4LR), Peter Rock (KJ4ND), John Wulf (K4FT), Mike May (KF4FMQ), Doug Collins (KA4SWT), Chris Galbreath (KG4UQL), Gene Klaus (KO4IVI), Andy Rose (KI6SEP), William Waldschmidt (W9WA), Russell Chaney (KN4OHD).

Previous meeting was January 26, 2020. Motion to accept Minutes of that meeting as published (via email) by Peter, 2nd by Gene, passed by acclimation.

Treasurer’s Report.
(Note: numbers were not discussed during meeting due to security concerns and were provided
separately after the meeting)
 Starting balance.
 No income, no expenses
 Ending/current balance.

Activities Report:
 Completed:
o Monday, February 1, 2021 TALARC D-STAR Net: There were 53 total check-ins including Net Control from 15 states and 1 Canadian Provence. (See appendix for details.)
o Coffee Zoom session February 5, 2021.

 Upcoming:
o Will do Zoom for either or both the NCJ NAQP RTTY Party and/or South Carolina QSO Party on Saturday, February 27. Email notice with Zoom connections instructions coming.

o Next TALARC D-STAR: Monday, March 1. Remember you can check in via EchoLink from your computer or smartphone to either node KY4RW-L or use EchoLink’s search mode on “Danville”.
o Monthly coffee via Zoom: Friday, March 5, 9 A.M.
0 Ongoing participation in the TALARC HF net at 1930 on Wednesdays just before our 2000 Net. Averaging around 7 participants from our Club.

Old Business:
 Dues:
 Only one person has not responded to emails.
 Work underway transferring responsibilities to other members from George Griebe who has been doing this for years. Ken is spearing-heading the effort (other than the Repeater Trustee – see below), mainly researching as to what all and how.
o SERA (Southeastern Repeater Association). Membership cannot be transferred; Chris will get a new membership that will activate when George’s runs out. Everything setup & good to go.
o IRS still in process – cannot get confusion resolved for name and address. Keep getting “access denied” and the 3 people at IRS contacted have not been able to resolve. Work continues by Ken.
 Discussion to purchasing inexpensive tablets for VE testing.
o There has been discussion in the VE team meetings regarding the advantages of making the purchases.
o May be able to put Linux on some computers donated by Bill. Harold will look into these once he gets the computers. Limitation may be laptops are not touchscreen and a signature is required.
o Harold believes with 20 teste’s, 3 signature entry machines with one spare would be perfect.
 Looking for people to make presentations at future meetings: please contact Mike if you would like to present or have suggestions of topics.

New Business
 Next Monthly meeting: Tuesday March 23, 2021 at 1930.
 Dennis in VA hospital for treatment. He is requesting no calls, no texts.
 American Legion Post elections coming up. Current officers will continue for another year.
 Danville ham KL1SE had antenna come down due to ice storm. Looking for recommendation of person to hire to put a new one up. Not in a hurry: wants to wait until weather better. Ken will track down details such as what he needs – is the antenna usable or new one coming, exact address, etc.

Motion to Adjourn by Chris, 2nd by Bill; Passed by acclimation. Adjourned at 2018.